Whiteman Air Force Base toxic exposure cancer claims

Whiteman Air Force Base toxic exposure cancer claims video

Located in central Missouri, 60 miles southeast of Kansas City, Whiteman Air Force Base dates back from 1942 and is now a joint tenant facility with military members from the Navy and Army. The base hosts 3800 active duty militaries with 5000 family members and is home to the 509th Bomb Wing, serving the Air Force Global Strike Command. It was named after 2d Lieutenant George Whiteman, one of the first American pilots to be killed in Hawaii during the Pearl Harbor attack. Aqueous film-forming foam (AFFF), an effective fire suppressant chemical, has been used by the U.S. Air Force since the 70s. Per- and polyfluorinated substances (PFAS) deriving from AFFF represent the primary contaminant at Whiteman Air Force Base. Veterans and family members stationed at the base who later experienced adverse health effects due to PFAS exposure may be eligible for compensation.

Claim Application

The station is the 69th on the Environmental Working Group's list of the top 100 most polluted military bases. The last test performed onsite in 2018 uncovered a PFAS concentration of 89,000 parts per trillion and detected PFOS, PFBS, and PFOAs.

The chemicals that AFFF contains are highly toxic, and the U.S Air Force has taken a proactive response to determining the areas where PFAS may have been released, conducting surface water, groundwater, and soil samplings at Whiteman Air Force Base. The drinking water sources are constantly monitored for contaminants to ensure that they meet EPA guidelines, and the water is disinfected with chlorine.

What toxic agents are contaminating Whiteman Air Force Base?

The effects of perfluorinated substances are extremely harmful. Exposure may result in severe health effects, as these chemicals are persistent in the environment and accumulate in the human body.

Whiteman Air Force Base was discovered to have several contaminants of concern, such as microbial contaminants, inorganic contaminants, pesticides and herbicides, organic chemicals, and radioactive contaminants, but also:

  • barium
  • chromium
  • fluoride
  • nitrate-nitrite
  • copper
  • lead

If you served at Whiteman Air Force Base and experienced serious health effects as a result of your service, you may be entitled to compensation.

What diseases can you develop following toxic exposure at Whiteman Air Force Base?

The potential for PFAS chemicals to cause adverse health effects increases exponentially as they accumulate over time. Toxic exposure is connected to cancer and other severe conditions. The following diseases qualify you for filing a claim if you were stationed at Whiteman Air Force Base for 1 cumulative year or longer:

Veterans and family members may file a toxic exposure claim to recover the financial compensation they deserve for their injuries. Women who were pregnant and experienced childbirth complications during their time spent at Whiteman Air Force Base are also advised to contact us for a free case evaluation.

Quality legal assistance for veterans and family members exposed to toxic agents on Whiteman Air Force Base

If you were stationed at Whiteman Air Force Base and suffered from any of the above-mentioned diseases, we recommend reaching out to our experienced legal team specializing in toxic exposure claims and getting the financial compensation you deserve. Your involvement will be minimal, as we will deal with the challenging legal process, so you can focus on following your treatment and improving your health. All you will have to do is retrieve your military records and your medical records and send these documents to our legal team so that we can evaluate your case and determine whether you are eligible to file a claim.