Substance use disorder - 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund claims

The terrorist attacks on 9/11 triggered a considerable increase in substance use disorder. After the attacks, more than one-quarter of Manhattan's residents increased their use of alcohol, cigarettes, and marijuana. A study on patients in New York City's substance abuse treatment programs revealed that over 30% increased drug use, while 70% either entered treatment, increased their use, or relapsed after 9/11.

If you or your loved one were in or around the World Trade Center area and developed a substance use disorder as a result, you might qualify for compensation. This includes first responders, firefighters, or anyone affected. Reach out to our law firm to find out how we can assist you in obtaining the compensation you deserve.

Claim Application

Effects of the 9/11 attacks on mental health and substance use disorder

Substance use disorders (SUD) are most closely related to mental illness, especially after traumatic events like the 9/11 attacks. People who resort to substances like drugs and alcohol are usually those diagnosed with anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder. Initially, substances may seem to relieve symptoms of mental illnesses temporarily. However, more often than not, substances worsen mental health problems over the long term, causing dependence and additional psychological stress.

Studies about trauma and substance abuse have proved that first responders, nearby residents, and workers near Ground Zero are more at risk of developing SUDs. The stress and emotional toll of 9/11, further complicated by the persistent difficulties encountered by those affected, can trigger or intensify existing mental health disorders. The worse the trauma, the higher the probability of resorting to substance use as a means of coping.

The following are the most common mental health issues connected to SUDs after traumatic events:

Mental health disorders and SUDs often go hand-in-hand. With this, it’s important to know that both must be treated to break the cycle. If you or someone you know is affected by these mental health issues and has a substance use disorder due to the trauma of 9/11, contact our attorneys.

9/11 Victim Compensation Fund: What to know about substance use disorder claims

While the 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund primarily compensates for physical health conditions, individuals with substance use disorders linked to exposure to the attack may be eligible for compensation. For non-cancerous health conditions, compensation can reach up to $90,000 for pain and suffering.

However, the actual compensation amounts will vary from person to person. It usually depends on the level of severity of the disorder and other individual circumstances. A person’s compensation is very likely to be greater in cases that are more severe or long-term. The calculation of VCF compensation takes these factors into account.

Get legal help to file your 9/11 VCF claim for substance use disorder

Our law firm helps individuals affected by the trauma of the 9/11 attacks, including those with substance use disorders linked to the event. With over 30 years of service and experience, we focus on securing compensation for those affected by exposures related to 9/11. Our attorneys have experience with 9/11 claims and are devoted to maximizing your compensation or that of your loved ones. We'll assist you in gathering the necessary documentation to establish your eligibility. If you qualify, our attorneys will quickly get to work on preparing and submitting your claim.