Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease - 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund claims

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease - 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund claims video

The tragic events of 9/11 had a far-reaching impact on the health of thousands of individuals. While the immediate loss of life was devastating, the long-term health consequences for those who were exposed to the toxic environment at Ground Zero have been profound. The exposure has had a long-lasting impact with studies showing a major increase in the development of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

If you were present at any of the affected sites during or after the attacks and have subsequently developed COPD, you may be eligible for compensation. Contact us and we can help you with the claims process.

Claim Application

Increased chronic obstructive pulmonary disease among 9/11 survivors and responders

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is a serious lung condition that makes it difficult to breathe. It occurs when the airway in your lungs becomes inflamed and damaged, restricting airflow. Studies have linked exposure to the 9/11 debris to the development of COPD.

COPD symptoms include:

  • shortness of breath, especially during physical activity
  • wheezing or whistling sound when breathing
  • persistent cough
  • chest tightness
  • fatigue
  • frequent lung infections
  • unexpected weight loss
  • swelling in the ankle, feet, or legs

9/11 VCF payout for COPD

If you were exposed to the toxic dust released during the 9/11 attacks and have since developed COPD, you may be eligible for compensation. The amount of compensation is determined by a formula that considers

  • non-economic losses such as pain
  • economic losses like lost wages
  • any other compensation you may have received

While the maximum payout for respiratory illnesses is $90,000, the actual amount can vary depending on the severity of your condition.

Contact our attorneys to file a 9/11 Victims Compensation Fund claim

For over three decades, our legal team has been advocating for the rights of individuals harmed by toxic exposure. If you developed COPD as a result of exposure to the toxins released during the 9/11 attacks, we’re here to help you get compensation.  To get started, please provide us with proof of your presence in the Exposure Zone and your medical records. We will carefully review your case, check your eligibility for compensation, and guide you through the claims process.