Chronic laryngitis - 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund claims

The tragic 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center claimed thousands of lives and left a devastating impact on the surrounding area. In the aftermath of the attacks, emergency responders, recovery workers, and residents were exposed to a toxic cloud of substances, including asbestos, lead, jet fuel, and more. Recent research shows that many individuals who were present at the affected sites during or after the attacks have developed chronic health conditions, including chronic laryngitis.

If you were present at Ground Zero and developed chronic laryngitis, you may be eligible for compensation. Contact us, and we will help you file a claim.

Claim Application

9/11 responders and survivors are at risk of chronic laryngitis

Laryngitis is the inflammation of the voice box, or larynx. It can happen due to overuse, irritation, or infection. When laryngitis lasts for more than three weeks, it's called chronic laryngitis. This type of laryngitis is usually caused by long-term exposure to irritants like the dust and debris released during the 9/11 attacks. A recent study revealed that 9/11 responders who developed the WTC cough syndrome also developed respiratory issues like chronic laryngitis. Symptoms of chronic laryngitis includes include:

  • hoarseness
  • weak or lost voice
  • tickling sensation and rawness in your throat
  • sore throat
  • dry throat
  • dry cough

9/11 Victim Compensation Fund payout for chronic laryngitis

If you were a first responder at the World Trade Center or if you were present at the 9/11 attack sites during or after the attacks, and you have developed chronic laryngitis as a result of your exposure, you may be eligible to receive compensation. The VCF calculates compensation based on both economic and non-economic losses minus any other compensation you may have received for your injury.

While the total compensation for 9/11-related respiratory issues, including chronic laryngitis, can reach up to $90,000, the actual amount you may receive will depend on the severity of your condition.

File your VCF claim with the help of our attorneys

If you or a loved one developed chronic laryngitis, our experienced attorneys can help you file a claim. We have a proven track record of successfully handling toxic exposure claims for over three decades. To get started, simply provide us with proof of your presence in the exposure zone and your medical records. We will carefully review your case and check your eligibility for compensation.