Reese Air Force Base toxic exposure cancer claims

Reese Air Force Base toxic exposure cancer claims video

Reese Air Force Base, built in 1997, served mainly as a pilot training base throughout the 50 years it was operational. It is located in western Lubbock, Texas. Today, the military base is known as Reese Technology Center. Over the years, numerous milestones were accomplished at this military facility, including a special pilot training program, the first flight simulator used in a training program, and a joint pilot training program with the U.S. Navy. As a result of military firefighters using the fire suppressant AFFF, the installation became heavily contaminated with PFAS, also known as “forever chemicals.” Not only are they harmful to the environment, but also to human health. Everyone who was stationed there is now at high risk of developing a terrible disease, especially veteran firefighters. If you spent time at Reese Air Force Base and struggle with a disease, do not hesitate to contact us, as you might be entitled to financial compensation.

Claim Application

The fire suppressant AFFF was devised by the U.S. Navy and the 3M company in 1966. Since then, military firefighters have been using it relentlessly, as it is highly effective in putting out jet fuel and petroleum fires. The formula of AFFF contains between 50% and 98% PFAS, which makes it dangerous to the environment and health of those who are exposed to it. At Reese Air Force Base, the current PFAS level is 7,280 ppt, exceeding the safe exposure limit by 104 times. Still, there might be other toxic agents lurking on the site in addition to PFAS, which only worsens the degree of toxic exposure.

What toxic agents were present on Reese Air Force Base?

While PFAS are the main contaminants of concern at the military base, other toxic agents might be present there as a consequence of the military’s activity during the last century. Out of the PFAS group, PFOS and PFOA are the most studied and dangerous chemicals, as they have a strong connection with multiple cancers. The level of PFOS at Reese Air Force Base is 26 times over the safe exposure limit, whereas the PFOA level eclipses it by 78 times. Other toxic substances that might lurk on the military facility include:

  • bromoform
  • arsenic
  • chloroform
  • uranium
  • antimony
  • barium
  • cyanide
  • manganese
  • selenium
  • vanadium
  • thallium
  • strontium

Exposure to so many hazardous substances greatly increases the risk of developing crippling, even fatal, diseases. So, veterans who were stationed at Reese Air Force Base should keep a close eye on their health and inform their healthcare provider about their toxic exposure history so they can receive the screenings they need. It is also important to seek a second opinion in the regrettable case you are diagnosed with a serious disease, as illnesses stemming from toxic exposure are often misdiagnosed.

What diseases can you develop following toxic exposure at Reese Air Force Base?

Although toxic exposure can result in many health problems, veterans who intend to file a claim should keep in mind that only certain diagnoses make them eligible. This is because there must be a strong association between their illness and toxic exposure, a connection that can also be supported by medical evidence. The following is the complete list of diagnoses for which veterans who were stationed at Reese Air Force Base for 1 cumulative year or longer can seek compensation:

If you are a veteran with one of the above diagnoses, you might be eligible to file a military base toxic exposure claim. Our attorneys have over 30 years of experience in handling these cases, and they will gladly assist you in obtaining the financial compensation you might be entitled to. We strive to make the legal process as simple as possible for veterans who were exposed to toxic agents on military bases, as we know that most struggle with awful diseases.

Our skilled attorneys can help you file your military base toxic exposure claim

Since 1990, we have been offering quality legal assistance to toxic exposure victims, including numerous veterans in your situation. If you were stationed at Reese Air Force Base and developed a qualifying disease, you are likely entitled to compensation. To find out whether you are eligible to file a claim, all you have to do is give our legal team a call and send us your military records, which you must retrieve, and your medical records. If you are the family member of a veteran who lived at the military base and struggle with a disease, you might also be eligible to file a claim.

Family members who intend to file a claim will have to send in evidence of their stay at Reese Air Force Base in addition to their medical records. After a careful evaluation of your case, we will let you know if you are eligible to file a military base toxic exposure claim. Eligible individuals will have their claims filed as soon as possible, as we are well aware that many struggle with terminal illnesses and have difficulties affording treatment. If you are too ill to participate in the legal process, a family member can help you, and our compassionate team will also take care of the most demanding aspects for you.