Asbestos mastic

When workers remove mastic they subject themselves to the risk of inhaling microscopic asbestos particles, as scrapping it up produces asbestos dust that makes it easier for the poisonous particles to be spread around the work site.

Claim Evaluation


1939 - 1982 (43 years)

This heavy duty adhesive was found in a paste-like cement form. The manufacturers usually added a variety of different fibers to increase the products' flexibility and strength. To be able to resist extreme temperatures and increase its durability, asbestos fibers were added in the manufacturing process.

Applied mastic didn’t pose a serious threat to the nearby workers if it was left intact. Cutting, sawing or drilling through surfaces where mastic was applied onto would cause the asbestos fibers to be released in the near environment. You could have been exposed if:

  • You worked directly with asbestos containing mastic
  • You installed or removed flooring materials
  • You performed demolition work
  • You helped manufacture asbestos-containing mastic

Companies Liable for Manufacturing or Use of Asbestos mastic

How Can We Help Workers that Worked with or around Asbestos mastic

During the years you worked with asbestos containing materials, there was a high possibility of mastic being involved in your projects. As asbestos exposure leads to the development of possibly fatal diseases, you are entitled to seek compensation. If you get in contact with us, we will submit the legal documents in order to file claims with the asbestos trust funds of the companies responsible.