Asbestos furnace cement

Due to the passing of time and the continuous heat, this material becomes friable, causing the asbestos fibers to spread into the environment more easily. Working on asbestos-insulated furnaces exposed laborers directly.

Claim Evaluation


1920 - 1983 (63 years)

Furnace cement was usually a compound that offered a high resilience to extreme temperatures. Until theĀ 1980s, the insulating properties of this product came from the asbestos fibers added in its mixture. This enabled the cement to sustain up to 3000 degrees Fahrenheit.

The continuous heat and the passing of time would put the furnace cement in a friable state. This meant that every time a worker would interact with the machinery, there was a high risk of inhaling poisonous asbestos particles. You could have been exposed if:

  • You worked directly with asbestos-containing furnace cement
  • You found yourself doing repair and maintenance work on furnaces built before the 1980s
  • You worked in a plant or factory in which there were furnaces installed

Companies Liable for Manufacturing or Use of Asbestos furnace cement

How Can We Help Workers that Worked with or around Asbestos furnace cement

If you fell victim to asbestos exposure through your line of work by using insulation products like furnace cement, we can make sure you obtain the compensations required to cover your treatment costs. Let us file claims for you against the asbestos trustĀ funds of the companies that caused you harm.