
Paraquat exposure

As a defoliant and desiccant herbicide for the control of weed and grass, Firestorm is a brand name under which paraquat is sold in the United States. Because it is highly toxic, it is a restricted use pesticide and only licensed applicators can employ it. It contains nearly 44% paraquat dichloride, which is the main ingredient in this product, as well as the substance that makes it so dangerous. To avoid being mistaken for beverages such as coffee, it also contains safeguard additives, namely a strong odor and a substance that induces vomiting following accidental ingestion.

Claim Application

Firestorm is also toxic to wildlife and, for this reason, it should not be applied to areas where surface water is present. If you worked with Firestorm or were around it and developed Parkinson’s disease as a consequence, we strongly encourage you to contact our law firm, as we specialize in toxic exposure and will help you recover the compensation you deserve.

Firestorm is mildly corrosive to aluminum and produces hydrogen gas, which may create a highly combustible gas mixture. It is forbidden to store it in containers, spray tanks, nurse tanks, or equipment that is made of aluminum. Instead, it should be stored in containers that have high-density polyethylene and rubber-lined steel. Furthermore, it is a violation of federal law to use Firestorm in a manner that is inconsistent with the labeling. You should not apply the product in a way that will contact workers or other people, either directly or through drift. The use of Firestorm is forbidden around home gardens, schools, recreational parks, golf courses, and playgrounds. People who employ Firestorm are required to wear the following protective equipment when using the herbicide:

  • coveralls
  • shoes and socks
  • protective eyewear
  • chemical resistant gloves

If you worked with Firestorm or were around it, your risk of developing Parkinson’s disease is very high. Thereby, you should keep a close eye on your health to timely identify the signs of this condition in the unfortunate case you will come to struggle with it. Similarly, if one of your family members worked with paraquat or was around it, you need to pay close attention to their health for the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease, which include a tremor in arms, legs, jaw or head, slowness of movement, stiffness of the limbs and trunk and impaired balance and coordination. If you or a family member has a Parkinson’s disease diagnosis, please contact our legal team, as we specialize in toxic exposure and will be able to help you recover the financial compensation you are entitled to from the responsible Firestorm manufacturers.

File a paraquat claim with the help of our specialized attorneys

With more than 30 years of experience in pursuing compensation for the victims of toxic exposure, our attorneys are ready to provide you with quality legal assistance if you were exposed to Firestorm and came to struggle with Parkinson’s disease. Although the legal process is quite complex and tedious, it will require minimal involvement on your part and a family member can help you navigate it, as we are aware that most of our clients are in great physical and emotional pain. Following a thorough assessment of your situation, we will gather all the necessary evidence for your paraquat claim, which will subsequently be submitted to the liable manufacturers. Eventually, you will obtain the most favorable outcome possible if you decide to work with our legal team. For additional information, please feel free to contact our law firm and we will promptly answer your questions.