Unfortunately, there is a high risk of developing Parkinson’s disease if you are exposed to Cyclone SL 2.0 on a regular basis, which is why agricultural workers in particular need to keep a close eye on their health and so need their family members, as the symptoms of this condition may not be apparent to the sufferer. If you or a family member has a diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease and was exposed to Cyclone SL 2.0, we strongly encourage you to seek our legal assistance, as we specialize in toxic exposure and will be able to help you recover the compensation you deserve for your injury.
People who obtain their certificate to use Cyclone SL 2.0 are required to wear protective equipment while working with this herbicide, which includes coveralls, protective eyewear, chemical resistant gloves, shoes, and socks, as well as a NIOSH-approved particulate filtering respirator with any N, R or P filter. By wearing adequate protective equipment, they lower their risk of exposure. Nonetheless, they will still be exposed to Cyclone SL 2.0 to a certain extent, which may increase their risk of developing Parkinson’s disease. Due to the acute toxicity of this product, it is forbidden to use it around home gardens, schools, recreational parks, golf courses, and playgrounds. It is designed only for agricultural use. Some of the crops Cyclone SL 2.0 is very effective in keeping free of weeds and grasses are:
- soybeans
- vegetables
- lentils
- guar
- cotton
- corn
- asparagus
- rice
- sugarcane
- potatoes
- sugarbeets
- guava
- vines
- alfalfa
- sunflower
- almonds
- sorghum
- clover
- mint
- beans
- peas
- safflower
- berries
- peanuts
- strawberries
- onions
- cacao
If you have a family member who worked with or was around Cyclone SL 2.0, you should keep a close eye on their health and look for symptoms such as slowness of movement, a tremor in the hands, legs, jaw, or head, stiffness of the limbs and trunk and impaired balance and coordination, which may indicate the onset of Parkinson’s disease. However, because the condition is misdiagnosed in 30% of cases, you should also encourage your family member to seek a second and even a third opinion from medical specialists in order to receive a correct and accurate diagnosis. We can only help people with a diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease who were exposed to paraquat recover compensation. In the regrettable event that this is the diagnosis of your family member, please reach out to us, as our legal team has the necessary knowledge and resources to help them recover the compensation they deserve from the manufacturer of Cyclone SL 2.0.