Paper mill workers

The paper mill workers were put in direct contact with the asbestos fibers, dangerously increasing the risk of developing asbestos-related illnesses. The plants where these people worked used raw asbestos as an important ingredient for their products. One of the steps in the production of paper was the drying of the pulp. The workers had the pulp placed on drying machines that would spread around excess asbestos-containing material.

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When the dryer felts needed to be replaced, the new felts were cut by hand and fitted - another process that posed a major threat to the workers’ health.

Not only the people involved in the production were put in danger, but also the workers that had to repair and do maintenance work on the machinery. By cutting, sanding, or removing parts of the machines, asbestos dust was produced and its particles spread around these factories.

Asbestos-related illnesses like mesothelioma or asbestosis were the result of the asbestos exposure these paper mill workers had to go through. The risk of developing these diseases was not limited to the workers but their families could easily inhale the poisonous fibers brought home on clothes and body.

Relevant job titles

  • paper mill laborer
  • paper mill worker
  • mill yard technician
  • paper folder
  • press operator
  • sorter
  • storeroom laborer

Asbestos secondary exposure?

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Asbestos-related cancer eligible for filing a claim

If you developed one of the following cancers as a result of occupational exposure, you are eligible for compensation. If you are too ill, a family member can help you with the legal process. In the unfortunate event that you pass away before recovering compensation, your surviving family members will receive compensation on your behalf.

Lung Cancer Mesothelioma Throat Cancer Esophageal Cancer Bronchial Cancer Gastrointestinal Cancer Colorectal Cancer

If, however, you struggle with non-cancerous pleural diseases such as asbestosis, pulmonary fibrosis, pleural plaques, pleural effusion, diffuse pleural thickening, COPD (emphysema & chronic bronchitis), pleurisy, lung nodules, lung spots, asthma, pneumonitis, tuberculosis, rounded atelectasis or lung scarring, please seek a second or even a third opinion as the rate of misdiagnosis is very high among the victims of asbestos exposure.

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How can we help paper mill workers who were exposed to asbestos?

Contact us in order to get examined and find out if you were affected by asbestos exposure while working in a paper mill.

If you or someone close to you, developed an asbestos-related illness, we are here to put our experience forward and file claims with the asbestos trust funds of the companies responsible.