Newark Air Force Base toxic exposure cancer claims

Newark Air Force Base toxic exposure cancer claims video

Newark Air Force Base was established in 1953 to house and support aluminum presses in the manufacture of aircraft wings. However, this program was curtailed in 1953, and the installation was never used for that purpose. Although Newark Air Force Base was officially shut down in 1996, some of its original mission continues under civilian and military management. The military base is now a Superfund site, as it is heavily contaminated with PFAS and other toxic agents. Nevertheless, it is not currently on the National Priorities List, which means cleanup activities are not being carried out at the site. As a result of toxic exposure, veterans who were stationed there might develop serious diseases, including cancer. If you spent time at Newark Air Force Base and now struggle with a health problem, we encourage you to get in touch with our attorneys, as you might be eligible to file a claim.

Claim Application

Out of the over 9,000 chemicals from the PFAS group, PFOS and PFOA are the most dangerous, as they have the strongest connection with various cancers. According to the most recent data, the level of these harmful substances on Newark Air Force Base is 1,454 ppt, which exceeds the current safe exposure limit by over 20 times. Therefore, veterans who lived at this military facility have a high risk of coming to struggle with serious diseases, so they should keep a close eye on their health and undergo periodical cancer screenings.

What toxic agents are present on Newark Air Force Base?

Although PFAS are the only known contaminants lurking on Newark Air Force Base, their presence is enough to endanger the health of service members and veterans who spent time there. The diseases exposure to PFAS can cause usually occur several years to several decades following the first contact with these harmful chemicals. Military firefighters using the highly toxic fire suppressant AFFF is the source of PFAS on this base, as this product contains between 50% and up to 98% of these chemicals.

Bis(chloroethyl)ether (BCEE) was another contaminant of concern found on Newark Air Force Base, which, if present in the body for a long time, can also lead to the development of cancer. Repeated exposure to high levels can permanently damage the lungs. The existence of BCEE on the military base only worsened the extent of toxic exposure in service members who stayed there for a significant time. Since both PFAS and BCEE are carcinogens, veterans are even more prone to developing serious diseases.

What diseases can you develop following toxic exposure at Newark Air Force Base?

While toxic exposure on military bases such as Newark Air Force Base can result in many health problems, only certain diagnoses make veterans eligible to file a claim. Even so, if you have one of these diseases, you might still not be entitled to compensation, as there are other specific requirements for those who intend to seek financial compensation.

If you developed any of the following diseases while you were stationed on this military base for 1 cumulative year or longer please contact us:

If you struggle with one of the above diseases, we strongly encourage you to get in touch with our experienced attorneys, who have been handling toxic exposure cases for over 30 years. They will carefully evaluate your situation to determine whether you qualify for compensation. Because we understand how expensive cancer treatment can be, veterans with malignant diseases will have their claims filed as soon as possible. We can also file a VA claim so you can also receive disability compensation, which can help you afford the treatment you need.

Our skilled attorneys can help you file a toxic exposure claim if you were stationed at Newark Air Force Base

Since 1990, our law firm has been dedicated to pursuing compensation for toxic exposure victims, and many of our clients are veterans, which means that we have the necessary experience, knowledge, and resources to assist you as well. To initiate the legal process, all you have to do is give us a call and then send our team your military records, which you must retrieve, and your medical records stating your diagnosis. If you are the family member of a veteran who lived at the military base and developed a disease, you might also be entitled to compensation.

Family members will have to provide our attorneys with proof of their stay at Newark Air Force Base and their medical records. Our legal team will thoroughly review your case to determine whether you are eligible to file a military base toxic exposure claim. Eligible individuals will promptly have their claims filed, and if our endeavors are successful, they will receive the maximum compensation they are entitled to for their unjust suffering. It is important to note that we work on a contingency fee basis, so you will not have to pay anything unless we obtain money for you.