Thyroid cancer - PFAS exposure claims

As a disease in which malignant cells develop in the tissues of the thyroid gland, thyroid cancer affects roughly 43,720 people nationwide every year. Some of the risk factors for thyroid cancer are being female, genetics, a diet low in iodine, radiation exposure, and a history of breast cancer. However, it has recently come to light that exposure to PFAS on military bases can also result in thyroid cancer in the veterans and family members who lived at these installations. At the moment, over 700 military bases across the country are contaminated with PFAS, a group of highly toxic substances that came from firefighters using the fire suppressant AFFF. This firefighting foam contains up to 98% PFAS, making it very dangerous to the health of people living at military bases. If you spent time at a military base with a known history of PFAS contamination and now struggle with thyroid cancer, do not hesitate to contact our attorneys, as you might be entitled to financial compensation.
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