Exposure to PFOA significantly increases testicular cancer risk
Testicular cancer occurs when cells multiply faster than usual, eventually forming a tumor. Still, it is unknown what causes cells to behave this way, but there are several risk factors for testicular cancer, such as toxic exposure.
Because the fire suppressant AFFF sometimes contains up to 98% PFAS, over 5% of military firefighters are at high risk of developing testicular cancer.
Nevertheless, since these chemicals persist in the environment for thousands of years, everyone who lived at a contaminated military base is more likely to be diagnosed with this disease.
The following are the symptoms of testicular cancer male veterans should look out for:
- a lump in either testicle
- a feeling of heaviness in the scrotum
- discomfort in a testicle or the scrotum
- a dull ache in the lower abdomen or groin
- sudden swelling in the scrotum
- enlargement of the breast tissue
The chemical PFOA is usually associated with high testicular cancer risk. According to a study from the Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, the average relative increase in cancer risk per 10ng/mL increase in serum PFOA is 3% for testicular cancer. Nonetheless, a definitive association could not be established since there are not many studies on PFAS exposure and testicular cancer. Finally, the researchers in a study from Cancer Causes & Control observed a significant exposure-response trend for aliphatic and alicyclic solvents, pesticides, and organic solvents. All of these chemicals have lurked on numerous military bases during the last century. The researchers found a connection between exposure to these toxic agents and seminoma, the most common testicular cancer type.
If you were stationed at a contaminated military base for at least one cumulative year and developed testicular cancer, you might be entitled to compensation. The family members of veterans who lived at a military base might also be eligible to file a claim if they have the disease. Testicular cancer has a latency of 15 years when the cause is PFAS exposure, but it can be shorter for aggressive cancer types.
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