Multiple myeloma - PFAS exposure claims

Multiple myeloma - PFAS exposure claims video

Multiple myeloma affects over 32,000 people in the US every year. While the most common risk factors for multiple myeloma include obesity, exposure to radiation, and being elderly, it can also stem from exposure to PFAS that are currently lurking on more than 700 military sites throughout the country. If you were stationed at a military base contaminated with PFAS, your risk of developing multiple myeloma is high. Similarly, if you were stationed together with your family members, they need to keep a close eye on their health as well. In the unfortunate event that you developed multiple myeloma as a consequence of PFAS exposure, we strongly encourage you to contact us, as we may be able to help you recover compensation.

Claim Application

Exposure to PFAS increases the risk of developing multiple myeloma

Multiple myeloma

Plasma cells have a crucial role in your immune system, as they help fight infection by producing antibodies that identify and destroy germs. However, when multiple myeloma occurs, these cells will no longer work properly, which will result in a weak immune system.

Exposure to PFAS, especially if it occurred over a long period of time, increases your risk of developing multiple myeloma. The main source of PFAS on military bases was the use of aqueous film-forming foam, commonly known as AFFF, a fire suppressant employed to put out jet fuel and petroleum fires by military firefighters and trainees.

Once these fluorinated chemicals are released into the environment, they persist, as they are known as forever chemicals. For this reason, once they enter your body, they cannot be eliminated and may, over the years, lead to the development of multiple myeloma or other serious diseases. The following are the most common symptoms of multiple myeloma, which you should look out for if you were stationed at a contaminated military base:

  • a persistent dull ache or areas of tenderness in your bones
  • weak bones that break easily
  • tiredness, weakness, and shortness of breath caused by anemia
  • recurring infections
  • kidney problems
  • bruising, unusual bleeding, such as frequent nosebleeds, bleeding gums

If you were stationed at a military base contaminated with PFAS, we advise you to keep a close eye on your health, as your chances of developing multiple myeloma are great. It is worthy of note that the family members who were stationed with you can also come to struggle with this cancer since they were inevitably exposed to PFAS as well. In the regrettable event that you receive a multiple myeloma diagnosis, please reach out to our legal team, as we specialize in toxic exposure and will gladly help you determine whether you are eligible for compensation.


North Dakota

South Carolina

South Dakota

Quality legal assistance for people who suffer from multiple myeloma and were exposed to PFAS

With over 30 years of experience in pursuing compensation on behalf of victims of toxic exposure, our skilled legal team is ready to provide you with the assistance you need to file a claim for your diagnosis of multiple myeloma if you qualify. Both members of the military and the family members who were stationed with them at contaminated military bases may be eligible for compensation. Although the legal process is quite complex and tedious, it will require minimal involvement on your part, as we know that most of our clients are in great physical and emotional suffering.

To initiate the legal process as a veteran, you will only have to retrieve your military records and your medical records and send these documents to our resourceful attorneys so that they can have a starting point in evaluating your case. Family members will need to provide us with evidence of their stay at the military base and their medical records. If you are a veteran, we may also be able to file your claim with the VA. You may eventually obtain the maximum compensation available for your diagnosis if you decide to work with our law firm.