Joint Force Training Base – Los Alamitos toxic exposure cancer claims

Built in 1942, this military base is located in Los Alamitos, California. Joint Force Training Base – Los Alamitos covers 1,319 acres and supports 850 full-time employees and over 6,000 National Guard and Reserve troops. The military facility is home to the Los Alamitos Army Airfield and has significant training facilities, such as a Virtual Convoy Operations Trainer, a Laser Marksmanship Training System, and a Close Combat Tactical Trainer. Unfortunately, it became contaminated with PFAS, a group of highly toxic chemicals, due to military firefighters using the fire suppressant AFFF regularly. Not only are these substances harmful to the environment, but they also pose a threat to human health, as exposure to PFAS can result in many serious, life-threatening diseases. If you are a veteran or a family member of one who spent time at Joint Force Training Base – Los Alamitos and now struggle with a disease, please contact our attorneys, as you might be entitled to compensation.

Claim Application

The level of PFAS at Joint Force Training Base – Los Alamitos exceeds the current safe exposure limit by over 13 times. Still, according to the new limits proposed by the Environmental Protection Agency, the concentration of PFOS and PFOA at the military base is very alarming. These chemicals have the strongest association with cancer out of the entire PFAS group. While the PFOS level exceeds the proposed limit by 14,100 times, the PFOA level eclipses it by 29,500 times. Therefore, veterans who were stationed at Joint Force Training Base – Los Alamitos should keep a close eye on their health and seek medical attention if they notice any unusual symptoms.

What toxic agents are lurking on Joint Force Training Base – Los Alamitos?

At the moment, PFAS are the only contaminants lurking on Joint Force Training Base – Los Alamitos. Nevertheless, their presence alone is enough to endanger the health of service members, as even exposure to low concentrations of PFAS can eventually result in a serious disease. The source of these hazardous chemicals on the military installation is firefighters using AFFF, a fire suppressant that sometimes contains 98% PFAS.

Also known as “forever chemicals,” PFAS persist in the environment for over a thousand years, and removing these substances is a very challenging endeavor, even by using the most innovative technologies. Joint Force Training Base – Los Alamitos has not been deemed a Superfund site, which means that cleanup activities are not currently ongoing at the site. However, it might be in the near future, considering the extent of toxic contamination.

What diseases can toxic exposure on Joint Force Training Base – Los Alamitos cause?

Veterans and family members who intend to file a military base toxic exposure claim should know that only certain diseases make them entitled to financial compensation. This is because their diagnosis must have a strong connection with toxic exposure that can also be supported by medical evidence. Even with a qualifying disease, they might still not be eligible, as there are other requirements they must meet. The following are the diseases for which you can file a claim if you spent one cumulative year or longer at Joint Force Training Base – Los Alamitos:

Our attorneys, who have over 30 years of experience in handling toxic exposure claims, will gladly evaluate your case to determine whether you are eligible to file a claim. The legal process will require minimal involvement on your part, as we understand that suffering from one of the above diseases can be overwhelming. We have the necessary experience, resources, and knowledge to help you find out if you are entitled to financial compensation for your unjust suffering.

File your military base toxic exposure claim with the assistance of our diligent attorneys

If you are a veteran or a family member of one who spent time at Joint Force Training Base – Los Alamitos and developed a disease that might be related to toxic exposure, we strongly encourage you to contact our law firm. As a veteran, the only documents you will have to provide our legal team with are your military records, which you must retrieve, and your medical records stating your diagnosis.

Family members will need to send in evidence of their stay at the military base in addition to their medical records. After we carefully and thoroughly assess your situation, you will know if you can file a military base toxic exposure claim. Eligible individuals will have their claims filed as soon as possible, as we are aware that many toxic exposure victims need extra money to afford treatment.