Toxic hair relaxer claims

Toxic hair relaxer claims video

Hair relaxers are supposed to straighten the hair, not cause health issues. Popular cosmetics brands' hair-strengthening products have recently been found to contain harmful, endocrine-disrupting chemicals. Frequent exposure to these toxic chemicals can lead to severe health problems such as uterine cancer (endometrial cancer, uterine sarcoma), and ovarian cancer with non-serous and serous tumors. If you have been using chemical hair relaxer products, we strongly advise you to stop and look for safer alternatives. However, if you have already developed any of the above-mentioned uterine or ovarian cancer types due to using toxic hair-strengthening products, we encourage you to reach out to our attorneys.

Claim Application

Up to 80% of women who regularly use chemical hair relaxers are at risk of developing cancer

Hair relaxers can cause burns and lesions

While the first hair relaxer was invented in 1909, these products only became popular among Black women at the end of the last century, as most actresses, models, and entertainers in the media chemically straightened their hair.

Today, hair relaxers are making a comeback, but at a price – women who frequently use these products are twice as likely to develop uterine cancer than those who do not.

According to a large National Institutes of Health study from 2022, women who never use hair relaxers have a 1.64% risk of developing uterine cancer, whereas those who regularly use these products have a 4.05% risk. Over the past decade, the incidence of uterine cancer has been on the rise in the United States, particularly among Black women. Approximately 60% of the participants who reported using chemical hair relaxers identified as Black women.

A study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology assessed the link between chemical hair relaxers and uterine fibroids, benign growths that appear in the uterus, in Black women. Out of the 23,580 participants, 7,146 developed uterine fibroids. Nearly 94% of the women reported using hair relaxers for at least one year, and the frequency of use ranged from 1-2 times per year to 7 times or more per year. Even though uterine fibroids do not increase the risk of uterine cancer, these findings suggest that most chemical hair relaxers on the market contain endocrine-disrupting chemicals, which contribute to the development of uterine fibroids.

If you have been using chemical hair relaxers and have one of the following diagnoses, you might be entitled to financial compensation from the responsible manufacturers:

With over 30 years of experience in toxic exposure and defective product cases, our attorneys will help you determine whether you are eligible to file a hair relaxer claim. There is strong medical evidence supporting a causal relation between the use of these products and the above cancers. Furthermore, if you qualify to file a toxic hair relaxer claim, our medical research team will make your case stronger by finding additional proof. It is important to know that although there is a link between hair relaxers and breast cancer, this diagnosis will not make you eligible for compensation.

Over 10 hair relaxer manufacturers have been named as defendants in lawsuits

There are at least 15 toxic hair relaxer personal injury lawsuits and 3 class action lawsuits pending across the country at the moment. The companies against which these lawsuits were filed include:

These are some of the chemical hair relaxers of the above companies the plaintiffs allege are responsible for their health problems:

Eligibility criteria for toxic hair relaxer claims

Enhanced cancer risk

Everyone who has been using hair relaxers and developed uterine or ovarian cancer should get in touch with our attorneys, as they have the experience and skills to help. Eligibility requirements that must be met by an individual who intends to file a toxic hair relaxer claim:

It is also important to note that, to qualify, you must have used hair relaxers a minimum of 4 times per year each year because only long-term exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals has a definitive connection with health issues.

If you meet these requirements, you become entitled to compensation from the company whose harmful hair relaxer products you have been using. Even if you have doubts that you meet the eligibility criteria, please, do not hesitate to contact us. Each toxic hair relaxer damage case is unique and you may actually qualify. Potential plaintiffs for these claims include long-term users of the toxic hair relaxer products, hair stylists, and beauticians.

Many popular hair relaxers abound in toxic chemicals

Harmful chemicals in hair relaxers

When women apply hair relaxers, the harmful chemicals in these products may cause lesions and burns on the scalp, making it easier for them to be absorbed into the body, enter the bloodstream, and be carried to different tissues and organs.

The accumulation of endocrine-disrupting chemicals in the body can interfere with hormone function in women who regularly use hair relaxers.

According to a study by Silent Spring Institute, hair relaxers marketed to Black women contain higher amounts of endocrine-disrupting chemicals, as their hair is more difficult to straighten. In fact, Black women are potentially exposed to dozens of toxic chemicals through the hair products they use, especially hair relaxers. Researchers found that hair relaxers marketed at children had the highest levels of five chemicals prohibited in the EU or regulated under Proposition 65.

The reason why people are unaware of the presence of these dangerous chemicals in hair relaxers is the FDA's permissive attitude, as cosmetic companies do not have to submit safety data to the agency, but it is against the law for these manufacturers to include harmful ingredients in their products. When it comes to the chemicals in hair relaxers, the Fair Packaging and Labeling Act of 1966 is disregarded. According to it, cosmetic products should be labeled to disclose all their contents so that consumers will not be deceived about their ingredients.

These are just some of the harmful chemicals that might lurk in popular brands of hair relaxers and their health effects:

It is important to keep in mind that, for now, research only hints at a probable link between chemical hair relaxer use and hormone-sensitive cancers. Therefore, it is not clear yet if these products cause health problems, and more research is necessary to determine whether chemicals in hair strengthening products are responsible for cancer. However, if you are a woman who has frequently been using hair relaxers and struggle with uterine cancer (endometrial cancer or uterine sarcoma) or ovarian cancer, we strongly encourage you to get in touch with our resourceful legal team. We will efficiently help you determine if you are eligible to file a toxic hair relaxer claim.

Liability for hair relaxers containing endocrine disrupter chemicals

People who sued one or more of the cosmetics companies whose hair relaxers were found to contain harmful chemicals will receive financial compensation if the companies are found liable for acting negligently, recklessly, or intentionally. Acting intentionally means that the hair-strengthening product manufacturers had prior knowledge of the endocrine-disrupting chemicals in their products, but ignored the issue.

Consequently, the expected causes of action against major companies, such as L'Oreal and Revlon, include the following strict liability, product liability, and negligence claims:

For women who have been using a toxic hair relaxer and no longer know which products to buy out of safety concerns, we have recently launched the Toxic Hair Relaxer Replacement Initiative, by virtue of which you can request free, non-toxic alternatives from ethical manufacturers. All you have to do is fill out the form at the bottom of the page, and someone will contact you shortly.

We file toxic hair relaxer claims

If you have been using chemical hair relaxer products and came to struggle with uterine cancer (endometrial cancer and uterine sarcoma), or ovarian cancer with non-serous and serous tumors, we encourage you to call us to check your eligibility. In case you meet the requirements, our attorneys will explain your legal options and we will file a hair relaxer claim for you and they will also do all in their power to help you recover the financial compensation you might be entitled to from the responsible hair relaxer manufacturers.

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