Fort Wainwright toxic exposure cancer claims

Fort Wainwright toxic exposure cancer claims video

Built in 1941, Fort Wainwright is located in Fairbanks, Alaska. The military base is managed by U.S. Army Garrison Alaska, and the senior command is the 11th Airborne Division. It was formerly known as Ladd Field and Ladd Air Force Base. The total population of Fort Wainwright is approximately 15,000 personnel. Unfortunately, as a result of military firefighters using the fire suppressant AFFF, the environment of Fort Wainwright became contaminated with PFAS, a group of highly toxic chemicals. Not only do these substances persist in the environment for over a thousand years, but they also remain in the body for years following exposure. PFAS are harmful even in small amounts, so veterans who were stationed at Fort Wainwright should keep a close eye on their health. If you were stationed at this military installation and now struggle with a disease that might be related to toxic exposure, you should contact our law firm, as you might be entitled to compensation.

Claim Application

While PFAS are the main contaminants of concern at Fort Wainwright, there are many toxic agents that might lurk on the military facility. Out of this group of chemicals, PFOA is one of the most dangerous, as it has a strong association with cancer. It ended up contaminating the nearby area of the military installation in a concentration that was 174 times over the safe exposure limit. PFOS is another toxic chemical from this group, and the current level of this substance at Fort Wainwright exceeds the newly proposed safe limit by 550 times.

What toxic agents are present on Fort Wainwright?

In addition to PFAS, other harmful substances might be present on Fort Wainwright, whose existence only worsens toxic exposure among service members. The following are other contaminants that might lurk on this military base:

  • chloroform
  • manganese
  • radium
  • barium
  • chromium
  • germanium
  • strontium
  • trihalomethanes
  • VAH's
  • pesticides
  • lead
  • fuel additives

The source of these hazardous agents is most likely the military’s activity at Fort Wainwright. If you suspect you developed a disease caused by toxic exposure at this military base, you should inform your doctor about it and seek medical assistance immediately. It is important to note that some diseases stemming from toxic exposure take over a decade to occur.

What diseases can you develop following toxic exposure at Fort Wainwright?

If you intend to file a military base toxic exposure claim, whether as a veteran or a family member of one, you should know that only certain diagnoses might deem you eligible for compensation. Because there must be a strong connection between your disease and toxic exposure that can be supported by medical evidence, our attorneys take up cases involving only certain diagnoses. These are the health problems for which you might be eligible to file a claim if you spent at least one cumulative year at Fort Wainwright:

Since 1990, our attorneys have been pursuing compensation for toxic exposure victims, and many of our clients are veterans in your situation. The legal process, if you want to file a claim, is simple and easy to navigate, as we are well aware that struggling with one of the above diseases can be physically and emotionally draining. Our compassionate legal team will take care of the most demanding and complex aspects on your behalf so you can keep focusing on your health and treatment.

Quality legal assistance for veterans and family members who lived at Fort Wainwright

If you are in the regrettable situation of struggling with a disease after having spent time at Fort Wainwright, you should give our attorneys a call, as you might be entitled to financial compensation for your unjust suffering. Veterans will only have to provide our resourceful legal team with their military records, which they must retrieve, and their medical records with their diagnosis. Family members will have to send in proof of their stay at the military base and their medical records.

After a careful evaluation of your case, you will know whether you can file a military base toxic exposure claim. Eligible individuals will promptly have their claims filed with minimal involvement on their part, as we understand that many need extra money to afford their expensive treatment. If you are too ill to participate in the legal process, a family member can assist you, and we will also go to great lengths to simplify it for you.