Fort Leavenworth toxic exposure cancer claims

Fort Leavenworth toxic exposure cancer claims video

Fort Leavenworth was established in 1827 and is the second oldest active U.S. Army post west of Washington, D.C. During the country's westward expansion, the military base was a forward destination for numerous soldiers, immigrants, surveyors, American Indians, preachers, and settlers who passed through. Today, as a result of military firefighters using the fire suppressant AFFF, the environment of Fort Leavenworth is contaminated with PFAS, a group of highly toxic chemicals. Exposure to these dangerous substances is responsible for many diseases, including cancer. Veterans who were stationed at this military installation after 1967 were inevitably exposed to PFAS, which increases their risk of developing a serious illness. If you spent time at Fort Leavenworth and now struggle with a disease related to toxic exposure, do not hesitate to give our attorneys a call, as you might be entitled to financial compensation.

Claim Application

While Fort Leavenworth is a Superfund site, the Environmental Protection Agency is not performing cleanup activities to remove toxic agents, as the military base is not currently on the National Priorities List. The main contaminants lurking on the facility are PFAS, whose concentration is 4,945 ppt, exceeding the safe exposure limit by approximately 70 times. Still, there might be other harmful contaminants in the environment of Fort Leavenworth stemming from the military's activity at the site.

What toxic agents are present on Fort Leavenworth?

Currently, PFAS are the main contaminants of concern at Fort Leavenworth. They ended up in the environment of the military base as a consequence of firefighters using AFFF, a fire suppressant containing between 50% and 98% of these chemicals. Nevertheless, the following toxic agents might also pollute Fort Leavenworth:

  • manganese
  • arsenic
  • chloroform
  • barium
  • strontium
  • vanadium
  • molybdenum
  • chromium

Veterans who were stationed at this military base should closely monitor their health, as they are at risk of developing serious diseases due to toxic exposure. Seeking a second opinion is essential if you believe you have been affected by toxic exposure, as misdiagnosis is very common among veterans who came in contact with hazardous substances during active service.

What diseases can you develop following toxic exposure at Fort Leavenworth?

Veterans and family members who intend to file a military base toxic exposure claim should know that only certain diagnoses might deem them eligible. This is because there must be a strong connection between their disease and toxic exposure that can also be supported by medical evidence. Even if you have a diagnosis that qualifies you for compensation, you might still not be eligible, as there are other requirements you must meet. These are the health problems for which veterans and family members who spent at least one cumulative year at Fort Leavenworth can seek legal recourse:

If you struggle with one of the above diseases, we strongly encourage you to contact our skilled attorneys, as they have over 30 years of experience in assisting toxic exposure victims. Because we know how overwhelming battling such terrible illnesses can be, we will strive to make the legal process as easy to navigate as possible. It is important to note that veterans can also file a VA claim for disability compensation, which we can also help with.

We can efficiently help you file a toxic exposure claim if you were stationed at Fort Leavenworth

Since 1990, our attorneys have been dedicating their efforts to providing quality legal assistance to toxic exposure victims, and many of our clients are veterans in your situation. If you were stationed at Fort Leavenworth and developed a disease, you might be eligible to file a claim. To determine whether you qualify for compensation, you will only have to send in your military records, which you must retrieve, and your medical records.

Family members who lived at Fort Leavenworth and came to struggle with a disease will need to send our legal team evidence of their stay at the military base and their medical records. After a thorough case evaluation, we will let you know if you are entitled to compensation. Eligible individuals will have their claims filed as soon as possible, as we are aware that many toxic exposure victims struggle financially due to the high cost of treatment.
