Fort Jackson toxic exposure cancer claims

Fort Jackson toxic exposure cancer claims video

As the most active initial entry training center in the U.S. Army, as well as the largest, Fort Jackson is located in the city of Columbia, South Carolina. It was built in 1917, when the country entered World War I, and was shut down after each major conflict of the last century except the Korean War, which is why the military base is still operational today. Fort Jackson provides training to up to 50% of all soldiers who are to join the U.S. Army every year. The military base was named in honor of Andrew Jackson, the 7th president of our country, who was also a U.S. Army General. Regrettably, the site of Fort Jackson is contaminated with PFAS, as well as with other toxic agents, which greatly endangers the health of the numerous people stationed there. If you came to struggle with a disease as a result of spending time on this military base, we highly recommend you to contact us, as you may be eligible for compensation.

Claim Application

In 2019, the U.S. Department of Defense revealed that the environment of over 400 military installations across the country is polluted with PFAS, including many bases in South Carolina, such as Fort Jackson. Today, the number of contaminated military bases in the United States surpasses 700. Due to the major extent of contamination, the Environmental Protection Agency classified Fort Jackson as a Superfund site and is striving to remove contaminants of concern from the premises.

What toxic agents are present on Fort Jackson?

The primary toxic agent on Fort Jackson is PFAS, a group of harmful chemicals that were released in the environment of the base by military firefighters and trainees. By using AFFF, a dangerous fire suppressant, military firefighters and trainees would frequently pollute Fort Jackson with PFAS, which abound in AFFF. Over the years, the degree of contamination became extremely severe, and now, people who spend more than one or two months at the military base are at high risk of developing serious diseases as a consequence of toxic exposure.

To exacerbate the issue of toxic exposure, another contaminant was found to be present on Fort Jackson, which is RDX. It is typically used in the manufacturing of explosives by the U.S. military, and the fact that it exists on the site of Fort Jackson is because soldiers who were being taught the basics of warfare would shoot 3.5-inch rockets, each containing a pound of RDX, on a regular basis. Exposure to RDX can cause seizures or, in severe cases, various cancers.

What health problems can exposure to PFAS result in?

Without a shadow of a doubt, most people would agree that cancer is the most terrible disease PFAS exposure can result in, particularly if it occurred frequently. The higher the concentration of these harmful chemicals in your blood, the greater your chances of developing a form of cancer are. Nonetheless, PFAS exposure can lead to other health issues as well, which can also be very serious. The following is the complete list of health problems people can develop due to exposure to PFAS, as well as the diagnoses that deem members of the military and their families eligible for compensation:

In the unfortunate case that you received one of these diagnoses, please give our expert legal team a call, as we have been handling toxic exposure claims since 1990 and will be able to provide you with the assistance you need to recover financial compensation for your distress. Finally, if you are a woman, spent time at Fort Jackson while you were pregnant and gave birth to a baby with health issues, you should also contact our law firm, as you can obtain compensation on behalf of your child too.

Our attorneys will help you recover the compensation you are entitled to by filing a toxic exposure claim

The legal team of Environmental Litigation Group P.C. has the necessary knowledge and resources to offer you quality assistance if your health was affected by toxic exposure on Fort Jackson or another contaminated military base in the country. Our attorneys specialize in toxic exposure cases and will thereby be able to efficiently help you file your claim, while our legal experts will gather additional evidence to support it. The first step if you want to seek compensation is to give us a call.

Subsequently, we will ask you to explain your situation and describe your circumstances of toxic exposure and to send our legal team your military records, which you must retrieve, and your medical records so that we can start evaluating your case. If we deem you eligible, our lawyers will thoroughly prepare your claim for submission, and you will obtain the largest sum of money you qualify for within several months to several years.