Fort Detrick toxic exposure cancer claims

Fort Detrick toxic exposure cancer claims video

Built in 1931, Fort Detrick is located in Frederick, Maryland. It is a U.S. Army Futures Command installation and was the center of the U.S. biological weapons program from 1943 to 1969. The military facility is still in use today. However, due to firefighters using the fire suppressant AFFF excessively on the site, the military facility became contaminated with PFAS, a group of over 9,000 highly toxic chemicals. Not only are these substances dangerous to the environment, as they can persist for over a thousand years, but also to service members’ health, as they can cause numerous crippling diseases. PFAS are very challenging to remove from the environment, even with the most innovative technologies. If you are a veteran or a family member of one who spent time at Fort Detrick and now suffer from a disease that could be related to toxic exposure, give us a call, as you might be entitled to financial compensation.

Claim Application

Currently, the PFAS level at Fort Detrick does not exceed the safe exposure limit of 70 ppt. Nevertheless, according to the newly proposed safe exposure limit for PFOS and PFOA, the level of these chemicals is 575 times over it. Nevertheless, other toxic chemicals might lurk on Fort Detrick, which only worsens the extent of exposure among service members. It is important to note that most diseases caused by toxic exposure take several years to several decades to develop, so veterans are now at high risk of coming to struggle with a serious illness.

What toxic agents are present on Fort Detrick?

Besides PFAS, there might be other toxic agents lurking on Fort Detrick, endangering the health of the service members who live there. The following are some of the dangerous substances that might be present on this military base:

  • chloroform
  • bromodichloromethane
  • nitrate
  • trihalomethanes
  • barium
  • ethylene dibromide

All of these harmful agents have a strong association with cancer, so service members and veterans who were stationed at Fort Detrick should keep a close eye on their health and seek medical attention as soon as they notice any unusual symptoms.

What diseases can you develop following toxic exposure at Fort Detrick?

While toxic exposure can be responsible for numerous health problems, only certain diagnoses might deem veterans and family members eligible to file a claim. This is because their disease must have a strong connection with toxic exposure that can be supported by medical evidence. Even if you have a qualifying diagnosis, you might still not be entitled to compensation, as there are other eligibility requirements you have to meet. These are the diagnoses that might deem you eligible to file a claim if you spent one cumulative year or longer at Fort Detrick:

Since 1990, our attorneys have been pursuing compensation for toxic exposure victims, and many of our clients are veterans in your situation. If you were stationed at Fort Detrick and now struggle with one of the above diseases, do not hesitate to contact our skilled attorneys, as they have the necessary experience to assist you. The legal process is simple and will mostly take place over the phone, as we understand that struggling with a disease such as cancer is not easy.

File your military base toxic exposure claim with the assistance of our diligent attorneys

With over 30 years of experience, our attorneys will gladly help you determine whether you are eligible to file a claim if you spent time at Fort Detrick and now suffer from a disease. The only documents veterans have to send our legal team to have their case evaluated are their military records, which they must retrieve, and their medical records with their diagnosis. Family members who lived at the military installation will have to provide our legal team with proof of their stay at Fort Detrick in addition to their medical records.

Following a thorough and careful assessment of your case, we will let you know if you are entitled to financial compensation. Eligible individuals will have their claims filed as soon as possible, as we understand that many veterans and family members need extra money to afford healthcare and treatment, which are often very expensive. If our efforts are fruitful, you will receive the compensation you deserve for your unjust physical and emotional distress. Our law firm works on a contingency fee basis.