Fort Campbell toxic exposure cancer claims

Fort Campbell is a U.S. Army installation located astride the Kentucky-Tennessee border. It was established in 1941 and is home to the 101st Airborne Division. The military base is still operational today. It is named in honor of Union Army Brigadier General William Bowen Campbell, the last Whig Governor of Tennessee. As a result of military firefighters using the dangerous fire suppressant AFFF, Fort Campbell is now heavily contaminated with PFAS, also known as “forever chemicals.” Furthermore, other toxic agents might have lurked on the military installation, which now endangers the health of veterans who were stationed there. If you are a veteran who was stationed at Fort Campbell after 1967, when AFFF became popular within the military, and now struggle with a disease related to toxic exposure, please contact our experienced attorneys, as you might be eligible to file a claim.

Claim Application

The military base was deemed a Superfund site, but since it is not on the National Priorities List, the Environmental Protection Agency is not currently performing cleanup activities to remove toxic agents. While the exact level of PFAS at Fort Campbell is unknown, these harmful chemicals are present in the environment of the military base. The source of PFAS on the military base is firefighters using AFFF, a fire suppressant that sometimes contains 98% “forever chemicals.” Not only do PFAS take a very long time to break down, but they also persist in the body after exposure occurs.

What toxic agents are present on Fort Campbell?

Although PFAS are the main contaminants on Fort Campbell, there are other toxic substances present on the military base. Out of the PFAS group, the most dangerous chemicals are PFOS and PFOA, as they have a strong association with multiple forms of cancer. The following are other contaminants lurking on Fort Campbell:

  • chloroform
  • perchloroethylene
  • chromium
  • bromodichloromethane
  • radium
  • barium
  • vanadium
  • strontium

The presence of so many hazardous substances on Fort Campbell only worsened toxic exposure among veterans who spent time there during active duty. It is important to note that toxic exposure can result in a serious disease only within several years or even decades from the first contact with dangerous chemicals. Consequently, veterans who were stationed at Fort Campbell should keep a close eye on their health.

What diseases can you develop following toxic exposure at Fort Campbell?

While toxic exposure at military bases such as Fort Campbell can cause numerous health problems, veterans who intend to file a claim should know that only certain diagnoses might qualify them for compensation.This is because these diseases have the strongest

If you developed any of the following diseases while you were stationed on this military base for 1 cumulative year or longer please contact us:

With over 30 years of experience in assisting toxic exposure victims, including many veterans, our attorneys are ready to help you determine whether you are entitled to compensation. If you struggle with one of the above diseases and spent time at Fort Campbell, we advise you to get in touch with our legal team, as you might be eligible to file a claim. Our attorneys will carefully review your case so that you can find out if you are entitled to financial compensation.

Quality legal assistance for veterans who were stationed at Fort Campbell and developed a disease

Our attorneys have been handling toxic exposure cases since 1990, so we have the necessary experience, knowledge, and resources to help you determine whether you can file a military base toxic exposure claim. If you were stationed at Fort Campbell while it was heavily contaminated, please contact us. The legal process is simple, as the only documents we will request after we talk to you on the phone are your military records, which you must retrieve, and your medical records. If you are the family member of a veteran who lived at the military base and now struggle with a disease, you might also be entitled to compensation.

Family members who seek compensation will have to send in evidence of their stay at Fort Campbell and their medical records. After we thoroughly evaluate your case, you will know with certainty if you are eligible to file a claim. We will file the claims of eligible individuals as soon as possible, as we are well aware that many struggle financially due to the high cost of treatment. Our skilled attorneys can also help you file a VA claim for disability compensation, which can also help you afford the healthcare and treatment you need.