Which laboratories are the best to use by public water systems for testing for PFAS in drinking water?

If you are considering testing to evaluate PFAS in a public water system, you should contact your state to learn whether they have state-certified laboratories to test for these contaminants. For drinking water, it is best to use an EPA-validated testing method.

The EPA regulates PFAS in drinking water under the National Primary Drinking Water Regulation (NPDWR)

In previous years, testing for PFAS relied on state certifications and the EPA’s testing methods. In April 2024, the EPA released the first national drinking water standard for six PFAS, placing a legally enforceable regulation of PFAS in our public drinking water systems.

Through the Safe Drinking Water Act, the EPA has the authority to set NPDWR, which sets maximum contaminant level goals (MCLG) for PFOA and PFOS at four (4) parts per trillion. The MCLG for other PFAS, including PFNA, PFHxS, and HPFO-DA, was set at ten (10) parts per trillion.

To ensure your drinking water is safe, you may contact your local water systems to inquire about the PFAS levels in your public water system and how they monitor PFAS levels, according to the NPDWR. The regulation gives them up to five years to comply with monitoring rules and to reduce PFAS levels in their systems. You may also choose to test the water using accredited laboratories. Several states offer certification programs for laboratories that want to be certified to analyze drinking water samples using the EPA’s standard methods.

How to test your drinking water for PFAS

The first step you should follow if you intend to test your drinking water for PFAS is to make sure the test is designed for your sample medium, which can be groundwater, surface water, or tap water. Afterward, look for a laboratory that has a certification, as there are some PFAS certifications you should look for when purchasing a test, such as:

  • PFAS testing certifications from states that offer it, such as California and Michigan
  • The Department of Defense Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program (DoD ELAP) accreditation for PFAS
  • The International Organization for Standardization (ISO)17025 accreditation for PFAS

Laboratories can get certified to perform tests for specific analytes, such as PFOA or PFOS. Alternatively, you can look for a laboratory that uses standard EPA testing methods for PFAS. The agency developed, validated, and published 3 methods for testing for unique PFAS in finished drinking water:

  • EPA Method 537
  • EPA Method 537.1
  • EPA Method 533

It is worth noting that some laboratories provide modified versions of the EPA’s PFAS methods for different sample mediums or for specific PFAS not included in the original method. According to the EPA, there is no standardized description of modified methods. Finally, these are the laboratory testing guidelines for public water systems:

  • laboratories and analytical methods: analytical methods that use EPA Method 537 Rev. 1.1, EPA Method 537.1, or EPA Method 533 must be used
  • reporting limits: analytical methods with reporting limits of 2 nanograms per liter or lower, as achievable by the analytical method used, must be utilized for the compliance monitoring associated with PFOS, PFOA, PFNA, and PFHxS
  • sample collection procedures: you must obtain bottles from the accredited laboratory for EPA Method 537 Rev 1.1, 537.1, and EPA Method 533, and laboratory bottles should be stored in Ziploc bags and transported in coolers

If the drinking water of your community was affected by PFAS contamination, we strongly encourage you to get in touch with our experienced attorneys, as you might be eligible to join the PFAS water contamination lawsuit and obtain compensation.

Join the PFAS water contamination lawsuit with our expert assistance

For over three decades, our diligent attorneys have been handling toxic exposure claims and will also help you join the PFAS water contamination lawsuit.

If your drinking water source contains PFAS your community might be eligible for compensation, which can be used for water testing, remediation, and treatment. We will gladly help you join the lawsuit so you can enjoy clean and safe water.

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