Dyess Air Force Base toxic exposure cancer claims

Dyess Air Force Base toxic exposure cancer claims video

Located roughly 7 miles southwest of downtown Abilene, Texas, this military base was established in 1942 as Tye Army Air Field. The host unit at Dyess Air Force Base is the 7th Bomb Wing assigned to the Global Strike Command Eighth Air Force. It was renamed in honor of Bataan Death March survivor Lieutenant Colonel William Dyess. The military base covers 6,409 acres and is also home to the 7th Bomb Wing, which consists of four groups. Unfortunately, as a consequence of military firefighters using the fire suppressant AFFF regularly, Dyess Air Force Base is now contaminated with PFAS, a group of highly toxic chemicals. While the military base was deemed a Superfund site, cleanup activities are not being carried out at the site, as it has not been added to the National Priorities List yet. Veterans who were stationed at this military facility have a high risk of developing crippling diseases. If you spent time at Dyess Air Force and now struggle with a health problem, we encourage you to contact our attorneys, as you might be eligible to file a claim.

Claim Application

Even though AFFF is very effective in putting out jet fuel and petroleum fires, it is a dangerous fire suppressant, as with each use, it releases tremendous amounts of PFAS, which can persist in the environment for over a thousand years. Similarly, once in the body, they remain in the blood for a long time, greatly endangering the person’s health. The extent of PFAS contamination at Dyess Air Force Base is extremely severe, as the level of these chemicals is currently 2,052,000 ppt, eclipsing the safe exposure limit by nearly 30,000 times. While veteran firefighters have the highest risk of developing life-threatening diseases, as they were directly exposed to PFAS, everyone who lived at Dyess Air Force Base is at risk.

What toxic agents were present on Dyess Air Force Base?

At the moment, PFAS are the only known contaminants of concern at Dyess Air Force Base. Still, due to the military’s activity, other toxic agents might lurk on the installation, such as solvents and heavy metals. Out of the PFAS group, which includes over 9,000 chemicals, PFOS and PFOA are the most dangerous, as they have a strong association with cancer. The current safe exposure limit to both is 70 ppt, but recently, the Environmental Protection Agency has proposed new limits for these harmful contaminants.

The new limit for PFOS is 0.02 ppt, and for PFOA, it is 0.004 ppt. Ultimately, the agency wants the level of these hazardous chemicals to be as close to zero as possible. According to the proposed rule, the PFOS level at Dyess Air Force Base is 3,210 times over the safe limit, whereas the PFOA level exceeds it by 96 million times. Therefore, one can only imagine how toxic these substances are not only to veterans who spent time at Dyess Air Force Base but also to the neighboring communities.

What diseases can you develop following toxic exposure at Dyess Air Force Base?

Toxic exposure at Dyess Air Force Base can result in numerous diseases, but veterans who intend to file a claim should know that only certain diagnoses make them eligible. Even so, having one of the qualifying diseases might still not be enough to become entitled to compensation, as there are other criteria you have to meet, such as how much time you spent on contaminated military installations. The following are the diseases that might qualify veterans who spent at leas 1 cumulative year at the military base to file a toxic exposure claim:

Our law firm has over 30 years of experience in pursuing compensation for toxic exposure victims, and many of our clients are veterans in the same situation as you. If you were stationed at Dyess Air Force Base and now struggle with one of the above diseases, you should get in touch with our legal team to have your case evaluated. The legal process is simple and will mostly take place over the phone, as we understand how overwhelming suffering from a serious disease can be.

We offer quality legal assistance to veterans who want to file a toxic exposure claim

Since 1990, we have been dedicating our endeavors to assisting veterans impacted by toxic exposure, many of whom had been stationed on contaminated military bases. If you have a diagnosis that you believe is related to toxic exposure and stayed at Dyess Air Force Base, you might be entitled to financial compensation. To initiate the legal process, all you have to do is call us, explain your situation, and send in your military records, which you must retrieve, and your medical records. If you are the family member of a veteran who lived at the military base and now struggle with a disease, you might also be entitled to compensation.

Family members will have to send in proof of their stay at Dyess Air Force Base and their medical records. We will thoroughly assess your case to determine whether you are eligible to file a military base toxic exposure claim. Eligible individuals will promptly have their claims filed, as we know that many struggle financially due to the high cost of treatment. If you are too ill to participate in the legal process, you do not have to worry, as your involvement will be minimal, and you can also have a family member help you.