Sherwin Williams Company

Workers exposed to asbestos

Sherwin Williams Company image

Sherwin Williams is a manufacturer of paints, coatings and related products, founded in 1866. Over the years they have established themselves as one of the biggest manufacturing and supplying paint companies in the US, operating through four segments: The Americas Group, Consumer Brands Group, Latin America Coatings Group, and Performance Coatings Group. Like many other companies between the 40s and the 80s, Sherwin Williams also chose to incorporate asbestos in their products, putting not only their employees but also their customers, at serious health risks.

Claim Evaluation

Former employees of Sherwin Williams may be at risk of developing serious diseases

During the last century, Sherwin Williams made use of asbestos in large amounts, as the mineral has numerous convenient properties, such as excellent resistance to fire, electricity and a wide range of chemicals. Furthermore, it was also very cheap at the time. Asbestos use up until the 1980s was way more common than we think. Manufacturers from various industries chose to use it because it was very cheap and it had vital qualities. Paint manufacturers realized they could benefit from adding asbestos power to their products as well. As it was lightweight, fireproof, non-corrosive, provided excellent insulation and didn’t conduct electricity, it became a miracle component. It improved paint’s holding power, allowing it to remain stable in hot and cold temperatures. Asbestos also allowed pigments to remain suspended so that there wouldn’t be a need for re-stirring once mixed in. The occupations at the highest risk of developing a disease as a result of exposure to the asbestos products of this company are:

As good as it initially sounded to manufacturers adding asbestos to their products, this idea has created a health hazard not only for their workers but also for painters and customers at large. If you’ve been exposed to asbestos while working at Sherwin Williams, you need to keep a close eye on your health. As asbestos-related diseases take a long time to start showing sings, regular check-ups are advised. In order to promote early diagnosis, we are offering screenings free of charge. Our specialists will analyze your latest chest X-ray and determine whether or not you have cause for concern. Contact us for any further information.

Asbestos related cancer eligible for filing a claim

If you developed one of the following cancers as a result of occupational exposure, you are eligible for compensation. If you are too ill, a family member can help you with the legal process. In the unfortunate event that you pass away before recovering compensation, your surviving family members will receive compensation on your behalf.

Lung Cancer Mesothelioma Throat Cancer Esophageal Cancer Bronchial Cancer Gastrointestinal Cancer Colorectal Cancer

If, however, you struggle with non-cancerous pleural diseases such as asbestosis, pulmonary fibrosis, pleural plaques, pleural effusion, diffuse pleural thickening, COPD (emphysema & chronic bronchitis), pleurisy, lung nodules, lung spots, asthma, pneumonitis, tuberculosis, rounded atelectasis or lung scarring, please seek a second or even a third opinion as the rate of misdiagnosis is very high among the victims of asbestos exposure.

Secondary asbestos exposure, a serious concern for the family members of Sherwin Williams workers

Chances are, if you shared a living space with a family member who was working for Sherwin Williams at the time, you were also exposed to asbestos, though to a less severe degree. Nonetheless, secondary asbestos exposure can be as dangerous as occupational asbestos exposure, as once inside the body, asbestos fibers will attach themselves to the lining of various organs, particularly the lungs, and gradually produce inflammation and scarring. Over the years, these symptoms may give way to the development of a serious disease, such as lung cancer or mesothelioma. In the regrettable event that you suffer from a disease you suspect is the result of secondary asbestos exposure, please contact our law firm immediately and we will promptly evaluate your situation. If you are eligible for compensation, our skillful attorneys will file a claim with Sherwin Williams, which is bound to result in the money you deserve for your physical and emotional distress. The only documents you will have to send your attorney are the employment records of your family member and your medical records, which will stand as evidence to support your lawsuit. In the end, you will receive the maximum compensation available for your diagnosis.

Legal assistance in wrongful death asbestos exposure cases for family members

Surprisingly, it is not unusual for victims of workplace asbestos exposure to fail to take legal action during their lifetime, as they fear a long and complicated process. In the unfortunate event that you lost a family member to a disease caused by occupational asbestos exposure, we strongly encourage you to file a wrongful death claim with the responsible company, which will result in fair compensation if you choose to work with our attorneys, who have been helping victims of asbestos exposure and their family members since 1990. While the legal process is complex and tedious, your involvement will be minimal, since you will only have to provide your attorney with the employment and medical records of your deceased loved one, as well as with their death certificate, which must state that their death was the result of a disease caused by asbestos exposure. Afterward, our resourceful legal team will take over and carefully attend to the remaining legal aspects of your claim. By filing a wrongful death claim, not only will you recover the compensation you deserve on behalf of your lost family member, but you will also hold liable the company for their negligent actions, as all asbestos companies have been aware of the dangerous health effects of exposure since 1920. It is important to know, however, that wrongful death asbestos exposure cases have a statute of limitations of 2 years from the moment of death in the majority of states, which should prompt you to take legal action as soon as possible.