The Chemours Company – AFFF manufacturer

Toxic exposure

The Chemours Company – AFFF manufacturer video

Founded in 2015 as a spin-off from Du Pont de Nemours, the Chemours Company is a chemical company headquartered in Wilmington, Delaware. It is the manufacturer of Teflon, known for its anti-stick properties, as well as the PFAS-containing firefighting foam AFFF. Exposure to the toxic chemicals in this fire suppressant can have devastating, even fatal consequences, as it is associated with adverse health outcomes, including cancer. If you are a civilian or military firefighter who used the AFFF manufactured by the Chemours Company and developed a disease, we encourage you to contact us, as you might be entitled to compensation.

Claim Evaluation

A short history of the Chemours Company, AFFF manufacturing, and lawsuits

When polluting drinking water with PFAS in North Carolina, the Chemours Company violated human rights, according to the United Nations Human Rights Council. Seven years after a chemical made at the Fayetteville Works plant known as GenX was found in the Cape Fear River, the U.N. issued letters to the manufacturer, as well as to Du Pont de Nemours, detailing its concerns.

Still, the Chemours Company stated that the PFAS it produces are essential to many industries and that it had taken actions to reduce toxic emissions. The company is currently moving ahead with its plans to expand the Fayetteville plant.

In February 2024, the North Carolina Business Court granted a significant win in Attorney General Stein's PFAS case against the Chemours Company and Du Pont de Nemours. The decision will help the North Carolina Department of Justice protect residents' access to clean water. "Companies cannot engage in corporate shell games to avoid liability for the messes they make," said Attorney General Josh Stein. The Chemours Company and other AFFF manufacturers were sued in the fall of 2020 with the goal of holding them accountable for how their manufacture, use, and disposal of PFAS polluted North Carolina's drinking water.

Finally, in the winter of 2024, the U.S. District Court for the District of South Carolina approved a settlement requiring the Chemours Company and other AFFF manufacturers to pay $1.185 billion to settle claims from public water systems.

We provide high-quality legal assistance to civilian and military firefighters impacted by AFFF exposure

Since 1990, our law firm has been assisting people in obtaining financial compensation for the terrible illnesses they came to develop due to occupational or military toxic exposure. Today, we offer legal assistance to civilian and military firefighters whose health was affected by AFFF exposure. Our legal process entails minimal involvement from the victim.

If you intend to file a claim with the Chemours Company, you will only have to send our legal team your employment or military records, which you must retrieve, and your medical records with your diagnosis. Once we determine you are eligible to file a claim, we will strive to obtain the maximum compensation you are entitled to from the manufacturer.