PFAS exposure has been linked to ulcerative colitis

Michael Bartlett

By Michael Bartlett

Posted on September 05th, 2024

PFAS have been linked to severe health issues, including ulcerative colitis. Recent studies outline the risk of ulcerative colitis in a population exposed to toxic PFAS, and there is evidence that PFAS alters the gut microbiome. A study reports that people with ulcerative colitis had 38% higher perfluoroctanoic acid (PFOA) levels than those without the disease.

A large group of toxic chemicals used in diverse consumer and industrial products since the 1950s is collectively called PFAS or forever chemicals. Their stability and persistence in the environment have been a reason for concern. PFAS exposure can occur through contaminated drinking water, food, consumer products, and workplace exposures.

Evidence suggests a link between PFAS and ulcerative colitis

As per the National Academies Report, PFOS exposure leads to gastrointestinal inflammation that contributes to ulcerative colitis. A cohort study reported significantly higher PFOA levels in patients with ulcerative colitis than those in the control group. A study published in the Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology reported increased PFAS levels in patients with late-onset ulcerative colitis, and PFAS induces a dysfunctional intestinal barrier, which leads to ulcerative colitis.

PFAS exposure on military bases: a risk factor for ulcerative colitis

PFAS has been found on nearly all military bases due to the excessive use of aqueous fire-fighting foam (AFFF) by military firefighters. Here is a list of symptoms you need to look out for if you are a military personnel who serves or served at a contaminated military base, or a family member who lived on the base:

  • diarrhea, often with blood or pus
  • abdominal pain and cramping
  • urgency to defecate
  • rectal bleeding
  • fever
  • inability to defecate
  • unintentional weight loss
  • fatigue

If you have any of the above symptoms, consult your physician as soon as possible because an early diagnosis of ulcerative colitis is crucial for your timely treatment.

We assist military personnel, and their family members in filing a PFAS exposure claim

Our law firm has taken up toxic exposure claims for over three decades. If you were residing at a military base, either as a service personnel or as a family member, and have been diagnosed with ulcerative colitis, we encourage you to contact us immediately. As a veteran, you are entitled to receive compensation for your PFAS exposure-related disease. We will need your military records and medical records to initiate the legal process. As a family member of a veteran, you can also claim compensation for ulcerative colitis diagnosis.

Along with the medical records, we will need your proof of residence at the military base. Our attorneys will review your documents and determine whether you qualify to file a claim. We will work on further steps involved in the legal process and help you recover your rightful financial compensation.