Bladder cancer
processing claims for over 50 years

Although the most common risk factors for bladder cancer are tobacco smoking, chronic bladder inflammation, being male, and old age, toxic exposure can also cause it. Exposure to perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances, usually known as PFAS or "forever chemicals" can result in bladder cancer. Every year, over 81,000 people receive a bladder cancer diagnosis in the United States, the disease being significantly more prevalent in men and in people over the age of 55. While the prognosis of bladder cancer is often favorable when it is found in the early stage, with 96% of the patients living for five years or longer, if the disease has spread to distant organs, the survival rate drops substantially, with only 6% of patients living for five years or longer. If you have a history of occupational or military toxic exposure and struggle with bladder cancer, we advise you to contact our attorneys.
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