Kanner's syndrome – toxic baby food claims

Leo Kanner was the very first child psychiatrist in the United States and the first medical professional to describe the syndrome of early infantile autism in 1943. The syndrome is characterized by severely abnormal development of verbal and nonverbal communication and social interaction. While in the past, Kanner's syndrome and Asperger's syndrome would be used interchangeably, nowadays, they are separate neurodevelopmental disorders with their own particularities. Regardless of how one calls the condition, one little-known factor that may contribute to it is exposure to heavy metals from baby food such as rice cereal. If you fed your baby toxic food and they are now struggling with Kanner's syndrome, we encourage you to call our law firm, as you are most likely entitled to compensation from the responsible companies.

Claim Application

A study from the Journal of Autism and Childhood Schizophrenia analyzed the case history data from 142 psychotic children, information that was obtained by using the Rimland Diagnostic Checklist.

The difference between Kanner children and other similar children was found only for 3 specific behaviors, namely:

  • obsessive desire for sameness
  • islets of special ability
  • skillful manipulation of small objects

The term "Kanner's syndrome" is rarely used today, as it has been replaced by "autistic disorder" or "classic autism", which is the most serious disorder on this spectrum (source: Help Guide). A child with classic autism experiences noticeable issues with speech, behavior, and social interaction. In 2020, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that roughly 1 in 54 children has a disorder on the autism spectrum. Interestingly, males are 4 times more susceptible to receiving this diagnosis than females. Because there are so many subtypes of autism and a wide range of symptoms, every child experiences the disorder differently.

The connection between autism and exposure to heavy metals from baby food

A study from the Journal of Toxicology found the severity of autism in children to have a direct link to the concentration of heavy metals in their urinary excretion. In other words, the higher the level of heavy metals in the body of the child was, the more prone they were to developing autism and the more likely their autism was to be debilitating. Nevertheless, in spite of discovering a connection, additional studies need to be conducted to establish causality.

One of the primary sources of heavy metals when it comes to children is baby food, which is fed to infants and toddlers until they reach 36 months. Because of the industrialization that began during the 18th century, heavy metals have become significantly more prevalent in the environment. Sadly, numerous companies fail to make sure they are disposed of correctly and safely. Consequently, heavy metals end up in the water and soil that help the growth of rice, carrots, sweet potatoes, and other main ingredients in baby food.

The FDA limit for certain heavy metals has not even been established by the agency, whereas the permissible concentration for others is considered too high by other health organizations. Unfortunately, this facilitates companies that manufacture baby food to skip testing their products for the presence of heavy metals and get away without completing this crucial step. Heavy metals are neurotoxins, negatively affecting brain structure and function, which is the main characteristic of autism. Differences can be observed on brain scans in the shape and structure of the brain in children with autism as opposed to neurotypical children.

File your toxic baby food claim with the assistance of our experienced lawyers

If you fed your baby toxic food during infancy and they subsequently developed Kanner’s syndrome, which you may find under the name "classic autism" or "autism disorder" on their medical records, you should contact our law firm. We have been helping people harmed by toxic agents and defective products since 1990 and are fully committed to obtaining the most favorable outcome for your case.

All you need to do to start the legal process is to call our legal team and thoroughly explain your situation. Then, you will have to send out experts some basic documents as evidence. We will review your case to determine whether you are entitled to filing a toxic baby food claim and if you are, our attorneys will quickly begin preparing it for submission. You will eventually receive the compensation you deserve if you decide to work with us.

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